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Mud Is Life is an initiative that was founded by the Bagatelle Dutty Camp and Great Fete Weekend. It is intended to be an all-inclusive mud experience, a J’ouvert event using mud as the key ingredient to celebrate life, love and unity.


It will be a two-fold event, with the first segment being a procession, occurring between 4am and 9am. The second segment will be a Mud Festival which starts from 6pm on the same day to 1am .


The First Segment

The J’ouvert Mud Experience

A J’ouvert band that offers packages for patrons. Packages would include different attractive uniform pieces like t-shirts, monokinis, costumes and accessories.


Packages will also contain food, beverages, access to music trucks, and security on the road. The band intends to reverberate mud mas’ culture, which is the coming together of the community in celebration of post-colonialism. Such a celebration is essential for the maintenance of rich Tobago’s Heritage and its influence on Carnival Festivities around the world.


The Second Segment

The Mud Festival

This will be the climax of Mud Is Life. On entry to the event’s venue, participants will be received by a large rhythm section and ushered by traditional carnival characters, like Moko Jumbie, Dame Larraine and Blue Devils to name a few. MUD IS LIFE! therefore mud will be readily available everywhere. To provide the ultimate mud experience, Mudernmud will be available in different storages and forms, in a variety of colours. Packets, buckets, barrels, pools, and mud sprayers strategically placed throughout the venue. To bring this experience to life we will be adding a variety of different imagery and aesthetics to the location.

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